Medicis and its team and network of highly experienced healthcare specialists designs and implements strategic business plans primarily around portfolio growth, sales excellence and geographic expansion in Europe.
The Medicis Principal, PD Dr. med. habil. Kai Deusch, (M.D. PhD.) typically assumes Chief Executive Officer roles supported by experienced managers in marketing, sales, operations and finance either individually or as a complete team.
We carefully select our projects in order to match expectations on both sides.
Medicis also provides its principals and managers as Board Members where they can assume active roles if deemed suitable.
We offer transactional services to corporations and investors in selected situations requiring our strategic and operational expertise.
We design/coach the development of suitable equity stories and implement them if on the sell side.
We draft buy & build strategies to maximize the value development for investors/owners and support/conduct their execution.
We emphasize strongly a matching of expectations on the client's and our side.
We work with our clients to originate and develop investment opportunities.
We design and engage in due diligence activities and support the negotiations to a successful closing.
We co-invest with our clients and if deemed necessary assume the role of an operating partner and build entire management teams.